
Introducing Me

Hello World,

My name is Danielle and I have decided to make a recipe blog. 

Growing up I always wanted to help my family in the kitchen. At first I was given small tasks, but as I grew, so did my tasks. Eventually my father started to teach me different recipes; he never used a cookbook, so he was my only reference to refer to while cooking. He would assist me in the kitchen by giving me instructions until I could remember the recipe on my own. 

My favorite recipe of my father's was his peach pancakes, they were simple, yet perfect. No syrup was needed; they were perfect plain. Unfortunately he passed before I mastered this recipe. For the past six years I have been on a mission to figure out his recipe, so that I can once again enjoy these marvelous pancakes. 

The purpose of this blog is to share some of my favorite recipes with the world; and with a little luck, hopefully one day I will be able to share this mysterious peach pancake recipe. 


Unknown said...

I will stay tuned for that recipe, sounds DE-LISH!
Love, Rachel

Danielle :-) said...

It was the best! Now if I could only remember it... but I remain optimistic in doing so. :-)

Laura Galindo said...

Hi Danielle! I just wanted to say that you have a very attractive blog! I'm new to all of this so I'm trying my best! Good luck with the semester! =)

Danielle :-) said...

Thanks so much!
I'm new to this too, I've just been experimenting for the past 2 days. There are still a few kinks I need to work out (for example the tricolor box next to my post's title is suppose to display the date), but all in all I'm am pretty happy with my results.
I will be sure to check out your blog and good luck to you too!

Bonnie Summer said...

Hi Danielle. I love to cook, so I will be following your blog for sure. My favorite part about your site is the fruits and veggies in season in the footer. Great job!

Danielle :-) said...

Thanks so much!

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